Experimentpilot business of direct investment in foreign securities markets by domestic individuals will further expand channels for individual investment overseas, facilitate guidance to the orderly outflow of capitals of foreign exchange and promote the basic equilibrium of balance of payments. 开展境内个人直接投资境外证券市场试点业务将进一步拓宽个人境外投资渠道,有利于引导外汇资金有序流出,促进国际收支基本平衡。
Direct that the premises of the unified exchange be closed forthwith for the transaction of dealings in Securities and remain closed until the Commission revokes the direction. 指示合交易所的所就行券交易而言即停,一直停至察委撤指示止。
Except for China, direct exposures of financial institutions in the region to mortgage-based securities ( or sub-prime crisis) are limited. 除中国外,该地区金融机构受抵押贷款证券(或者次债危机)的直接影响是有限的。
How many years experience do you, or, if an entity, does the partner, officer, or trustee thereof authorized to direct transactions in the account, have trading securities? 您从事有价证券交易的时间有多久,或者如果是个实体,授权直接交易这个帐户的合伙人、主管、受托人有交易有价证券的经验吗?
These plans are formulated to ensure the smooth implementation of the experimentpilot business of direct investment in foreign securities markets by domestic individuals. 为确保开展境内个人直接投资境外证券市场试点顺利实施,特制定本方案。
In an interview with the financial times yesterday, Mr Fink said most of the direct losses from US subprime mortgage-related securities had been accounted for but the worst was yet to come for related financial markets. 芬克在昨日接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,美国次级抵押贷款相关证券导致的多数直接损失已有人承担,但相关金融市场最严重的损失迄今尚未出现。
First, awareness and demand of direct investment in foreign securities markets by domestic individuals is unceasingly increasing. 一是境内个人境外证券投资的意识和需求不断增加。
The direct influences brought to stock market by the risk accidents are: the securities assets rapid depreciating ( burst of calamity), every economic entity suffering losses ( the investors, fund-raisers and the country). 由股票市场风险事故给股票市场带来的直接影响是:证券资产迅速贬值(股灾),各经济主体(投资者、筹资者、国家)蒙受损失。
Reputation by supervision acts. In our view, inflicting both direct and indirect penalties is of important theoretic and practical significance to the improvement of efficiency of securities supervision. 我们认为,直接处罚和间接处罚并进,对于促成承销商声誉机制的形成、提高证券监管的效率具有重要的理论和现实意义。
Our country can use American regulation experiences as a reference and establish a legal regulation system for direct exchanges of internet securities. 我国应借鉴美国监管经验,及早确立网上证券直接交易的法律规制之道。
Traditional companies usually raise funds through the following two ways: one is the indirect financing from commercial banks, another is the direct financing from securities markets. 传统企业的融资方式主要有两种:一是从商业银行间接融资;二是从证券市场直接融资。
Valuation is an essential part of all investments including direct investments and securities. 定价是包括实业投资和金融资产投资在内的所有投资的核心问题。
This paper promotes to reform local property rights markets, and set up over the counter market for dealing stocks of stock company of a fixed direct collection, in order to perfect levels of securities business. 本论文提出改造地方产权市场,建立场外交易市场进行定向募集公司产权交易,完善证券市场层次结构,实现产权市场与证券市场的统一。
How to combine the existing methods of technical analysis and the theories of modern statistics, seek for statistic supports of law of motion of price, and obtain more direct demonstrations than ever, become one of the tasks of forecasting the securities prices in recent years. 在证券价格预测中如何将已有的技术分析方法和现代统计学理论相结合,寻求价格运动规律存在的统计支持,获得更直接的实证,成为近年来证券价格预测的课题之一。
Concepts concerning securities direct holding and indirect holding are explained. Legal relations under QFII securities holding mode in China are then analyzed. Legal proposals on how to protect interests of foreign investors and law application principles in case of disputes are raised. 在本章笔者介绍了证券直接持有模式和间接持有模式的相关概念,然后分析了我国QFII证券持有模式下的法律关系,接着提出保护境外投资者利益的法律建议和出现争端时的法律适用原则。
This means the saving people can lend the money to the investing people by the direct way or by purchasing the securities and stocks of the investing people, which is usually called "the direct financing method"; 如储蓄者直接借款给投资者,或储蓄者通过购买投资者发行的债券、股票等方式为投资者提供资本金,这也就是通常所说的直接融资方式;
Direct exchange of internet securities which indicates the future orientation of securities transaction can reduce the cost and improve the efficiency remarkably. 网上证券直接交易能显著降低交易成本、提高交易效率,发展前景十分广阔。
Based on basic principles of Mathematical Statistics, this paper explores the weakness of rationality in China's stock market in the recent years, and the result shows the direct reason is that institutional investors, mostly securities investment funds, have been developing too fast. 运用数理统计的基本原理,指出导致近几年中国股市非理性下跌的最直接原因,是以证券投资基金为主的机构投资者超常规发展。
During the process of industrialization, developing countries show different way at different developing stages in utilizing foreign capital from receiving foreign aid to the borrowing foreign debts and from the attracting foreign direct investment to introducing international securities investment. 伴随着工业化不同发展阶段的演进,发展中国家利用外资方式呈现出从接受外援或举借外债,到引进国外直接投资,然后转向引进国际证券投资的变化轨迹。
So while we theorize securities market regulation, we should absorb the research achievements in common regulation theory, and we should begin from the particularities of securities and securities market, in order to find a proper theory instrument to direct our practice of securities markets regulation. 所以,在建立关于证券市场监管的理论过程中,既要吸取经济学关于一般监管问题的研究成果,又要从证券产品和证券市场的特殊性出发,寻求适合指导证券市场监管实践的理论武器。
The real estate enterprises 'direct listing has become the main stream of development of securities market of real estate because real estate enterprises' indirect listing has become the main aspect of securities market. 房地产企业直接上市已难以成为房地产证券市场发展的主流,因而房地产企业间接上市成为房地产证券市场的重要方面。
Thus, as for transitional economies, whether the financial system is perfect or not will have direct relation with the success of transition. After the economic transition, open and develop securities market becomes the important content of financial system in economic transition. 因此,转轨开始后,各国均把金融体制改革作为经济转轨的重要组成部分,开放和发展金融市场,特别是证券市场成为经济转轨国家金融体制改革的重要任务。
However, stock capital gains tax has a direct impact on securities investment activities inevitably due to it imposes on capital gains acquired from securities investment activities, even has an impact on the operation of society and macroeconomy further. 然而,由于股票资本利得税以证券投资活动中实现的资本利得作为课征对象,必然会对市场投资行为产生直接影响,进而影响到整个社会经济的运行。
Real estate securitization transform investors directly for real estate property rights to hold securities property rights certificates, the direct real estate investment into securities investment. 房地产证券化把投资者对房地产的直接物权转变为持有证券性质的权益凭证,即将直接房地产投资转化为证券投资。
Meanwhile, due to the direct impact of credit rating on negotiable securities and the importance of credit rating as the reference of investors 'decision on investment, the validity and objectivity of credit rating are usually in high profile. 同时,由于信用评级的结果直接影响着有价证券的定价,也是投资者做投资决策的重要参考,因此信用评级的真实性和客观性往往备受关注。
The direct support of securities business to agriculture development carry out via listed agriculture company. 证券市场对农业发展的直接支持通过农业上市公司实现。
Private offering of securities is a direct financing mode relevant to public offering of securities, which can satisfy various financing demands of issuers. 证券非公开发行是与公开发行相对应的直接融资方式,可以满足发行人不同的筹资需求。